About Henry Matthew Breidenthal

Henry Matthew Breidenthal
For the past 45 years, Dr. Henry Matthew Breidenthal has seen the vision of bringing the news of salvation through Jesus Christ to Thailand.
Being one of the founders of The Bangkok Bible College now BBS and Chiangmai Theological Seminary, he has witnessed the spiritual and intellectual growth of countless Christians throughout Asia.
The Purpose of this web site is to:
1.    Help Christians everywhere know the spiritual needs of the approximately 100 million Thai people worldwide.
2.    Encourage Christians everywhere to pray for the global spreading of the gospel and especially for the Thai church and unreached Thai people everywhere.
3.    Challenge Christians to serve in missionary work to Thai peoples and all people everywhere.

Thaipeoples.org is a Thai Center, a meeting place, for Thai, Southeast Asia and World Mission. Its goal is to glorify God through missions in accordance with Revelation 4:11, Matthew 28:18-20, and John 15:8.
We want to create an awareness of spiritual needs of Thai people wherever they are, so the people of the world may know, pray, send and go to reach the unreached people, bringing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, in accordance with Mark 16:15-16 and John 4:34-38.
Through this website we hope to encourage and challenge people to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. In a practical way, Thaipeoples.org desires to contact and help people who are burdened and qualify to serve, short-term, part-time, or full-time in options for mission work, which they may fulfill in today’s world in accordance with Isaiah 6:1-8.
Today there are wonderful opportunities for retired individuals or couples who have never done missionary work to come to Thailand and minister to Thai people. This can be done by teaching English. English education is also needed for many Christian ministries in Thailand:
It is not necessary for one to have taught and English conversation class.
It is not necessary to have specialized training in English.

This is because many Thai people have been taught English grammar, but have not had the opportunity to use their English in conversation. They are eager to have a conversation with a native English speaker. This opens a door of contact which is very helpful in presenting the gospel to Thai people.
Many are anxious to her God’s Plan – the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we should know the locations of unreached people and Bibleless Tribes.
For example: in Southeast Asia, the Thai (Dai) language family is made up of some forty dialects which are spoken by about on hundred million people from Southern China and Vietnam across Laos, Northern Thailand, Burma and into the Assam plains of India. Many of these are up to 1000 groups of people of which some 200 to 300 are still in need of a Bible translation into their own tongue. This area, including, India and Nepal, has the largest concentration of unreached people groups on the mainland of Asia. In accordance with Mark 14:8, we are admonished to do what we can for these people.